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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Train Your Dog for Succcess!

Seven Familiar Training Problems
People Have With Their Dogs...
Which Ones Do You Want To Overcome?

"Dog Training Blueprint To Success" is not going to show you how to make your dog play dead or give you its paw to shake. But it will give you the answers to some of the most common dog training problems professionals come up against. The sort of everyday things you want from your dog. Commonsense stuff like -

• how to toilet train your dog so you know it'll be 100% 'accident-proof' • coming when called - immediately
• sitting - and staying put till you give the word
• walking quietly beside you on the leash - who needs a dislocated shoulder!
• walking quietly beside you off the leash
• how to stop your dog jumping up
• obeying your commands even when there are distractions like other dogs about

The simple fact is it's so ridiculously easy to have a beautifully trained dog if you know what you're doing. All you need do is just follow the simple roadmap laid out for you in "Dog Training Blueprint To Success".

You'll end up with a dog that'll be a real pleasure to own. One that's responsive, well behaved and does exactly what you tell it, even when it's nowhere near you at the time.