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Friday, March 18, 2011

How to Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back... If you want him !

The Solution That Will Have Your Ex Boyfriend Begging For You Back Is...

Click Here and learn how to get your ex-boyfriend back!

What if I told you that you could easily take the pain of rejection (that you are feeling right now) and transfer it onto your ex boyfriend? How quickly do you think he would come crawling back to you? If he was feeling the kind of pain you are right now?

The entire reason you want your ex boyfriend back so badly is because he rejected you. It's human nature to want what we cannot have. Especially if we had that something and it was suddenly taken away from us.

The solution is to completely reverse the rejection you're feeling right now. The solution I gave Beth (and hundreds before her) were a few "dirty little tricks" to push her mans "emotional hot buttons". Specific things she could do and say to make him feel like he was the one being rejected.


All of a sudden Beth's boyfriend began calling her to "hang out" - he actually started to behave the exact way he did at the very beginning of their relationship.

The good news is that men all behave in a very similar and predictable manner. By taking advantage of very specific male psychological "hot buttons", you can gain an almost unfair advantage and cause your ex boyfriend to want and desire you like never before.

It's actually not even that hard if you know what specific "emotional buttons" to push.

This is why trying to reason, use logic and argue with your ex boyfriend simply does not work. Even telling him how much you care about him will not work. It will only further push him away. It will only creep him out.

He just doesn't respond to that kind of reasoning on a deep emotional level. His DNA is hard coded to respond to something entirely different... so if you want to know how to get your exboyfriend back, Click Here and learn how to get your ex-boyfriend back!