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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Build a Playhouse

One of the most rewarding and easiest weekend projects you can do to stimulate your child's imagination is to build an outdoor playhouse...

Not only will you stimulate their imagination, get them more friends and do something meaningful with them for a change, but you'll also be proud to know that you made something with your own two hands.

Also, building your own playhouse just makes economical sense. You can build a playhouse in just one weekend at a fraction of the cost of buying a pre-built one. Most pre-built playhouses need to be assembled anyway, you're really just paying hugely inflated prices for the material.

Click Here!! and Build a Playhouse

When I started on my first outdoor playhouse project 25 years ago, I thought I knew it all. Then I bought the wrong materials, took the wrong measurements and I took a total of 6 months to complete my first playhouse.

"There's Good News..."

I spent the next 5 years reading a ton of woodworking books, blueprints and playhouse plans. Most of them just left me with more questions than answers. They skip over many important parts, and the diagrams are often unclear or wrong. There was NOTHING that even came close to what I was looking for...

But as it turns out, all of these problems were really just a very lucky thing. They caused me to do the only thing that I could possibly do...I said to myself "Forget this, I'm making my own."  And you can do the same.   Click Here!! and Build a Playhouse today...